Srinath Mysore Nagendra
1 min readMay 16, 2023

Why the debate from the sidelines on valuations, business models, failed solutions, over glorifying startup’s. when they haven’t stabilised, on the logic of investments by investors/ VCs etc and a dozen other things? How does it help ? Be a part of the solution if one can contribute with the expertise or invest if possible.

We have to just see it as entrepreneurs trying to solve a particular problem with solutions. Many won’t work , a few may work or none may work as they try to scale and the problem remains in many cases unresolved.

In a few cases they scale up and become profitable and the problem gets minimised to some extent by the effort of entrepreneurs who tried, failed, pivoted. multiple times & succeeded.

Need to Applaud the entrepreneurs/ founders. for trying , trying and investors for investing. It’s between entrepreneur/ founders and investors and the rest can comment when they go public or if you like / dislike the offerings as a user. Some succeed without VC investments due to sheer perseverance and ignoring the external noise.

We need more people trying to solve problems and building companies with solutions even if they don’t scale up and become unicorns. It’s good to have & celebrate thousands of successful companies along with a few hundred unicorns.

We all work or continue to work for startup’s , small to large enterprises and earn because someone risked it , tried at some point of time, sacrificed their lifetime or multiple years and succeeded.



Srinath Mysore Nagendra

Srinath -Founder/CEO Firmus Ventures Bangalore, India - Management & Technology cons - COO of Champions accelerator which invests in early stage startup’s